Have you gone off track yet… has your path changed course?
There is something magical that happens when things don’t go the way we had planned. A new road presents itself amongst the collapse and destruction of our reality. It is the road not taken. You don’t know where it leads, you don’t know what is around the corner, you don’t even know “how” to go down that road. The unknown does a funny thing within our biology, as new neural pathways come alive in our brain, we gain access to the abstract of possibilities. We form new ways of thinking, and through this re-wiring of our brain, is the spark of human growth, of understanding another piece of what it means to be “conscious” or aware. So we may perceive this “falling off track” as adversity, and it may very well be all that and more, but the gift is the problem we are now faced with…what to do next?
What is next when everything else has changed in our story?
Everything is in a state of change, nothing is constant except change, everything is in motion. When we are presented with a challenge, trying to solve the problems in our lives or what road to go down next, the stronger our brain capacity becomes. Let me explain… as we formulate something new in our minds, a new potential outcome, the more we access different parts of our brain which creates strength. So although I am not a doctor or scientist or claim to be an expert on any topic, the outcome as our reality changes is that we can potentially create greater health and wellness through new habits, behaviours, and experiences.
The perception offered, is that there is a connection between things changing (however uncomfortable it may feel), the response that happens in our brain to create new awareness and a potential outcome or path arises, and ultimately a link to vitality. What if the road not taken was precisely the road we were meant to go down? And by taking one step at a time without a glimpse of what lies ahead, is our greatest moment of growth to discovering our unlimited potential not only individually, but collectively as humans what we are capable of becoming. Maybe we can shift our thinking when our path changes to be less resistant to the experience. Maybe in doing so we can befriend the unknown, and as poet Robert Frost says it best in his poem, The Road Not Taken….”I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.”
And maybe the road not taken that shows up when we are thrown off course has been there the whole time, waiting for us to make the first step.
I hope this writing inspires you in some way to see different potentials throughout life, or at the very least create questions of self-inquiry as I believe this is the true magic of the universe when we explore possibilities and the adventure begins.
With much love and blessings, thank you for tuning in,
Vicki xo.