A Time Of Radical Transformation

A time of radical transformation is happening….

Well it has been happening all along, the only difference is the rate that it has been happening is being experienced at a higher intensity more frequently. And depending on where each person is at on their own journey depends on the level of growth that is making its way into your consciousness.

Have you felt the shift of transformation yet?

We are seeing it everywhere in the outside world. Old systems are collapsing, a change in power is emerging and new ways of BEING are in creation. But are you beginning to feel the nudges and twisting from within? The human body is extremely intelligent and is part of the co-creation process of our awareness. Just as our mind expands, our spiritual self or our divine aspects begin to bloom and come alive, so too does our body communicate with us and expand in consciousness. This means there is a process that occurs, and it is not the same process for everyone. There is an unlayering happening… this is the TRANSFORMATION.

You shift, grow, evolve. Your habits change, your priorities switch. You feel your emotions more than ever, the healing process begins. You change old limiting beliefs systems, old ancestral traumas are released, you discover your Spiritual connection which has been there all along waiting to be remembered and re-activated. Your relationships change, some people leave, new ones blossom, and some remain constant in your life but slightly different… more evolved. OR maybe it is not the relationship that has evolved but merely your awareness of it has. And maybe you begin to not recognize yourself anymore because you let go of so many old versions of yourself and the NEW VERSION of you is still in the works, still reorganizing itself and energetic structures are molding to hold the frequency of the new you that is entering.

There is an opportunity for you. As the whole COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS is evolving at an increasingly fast rate, a Time Of Radical Transformation is present. The energies have gathered and is more supportive to guide you on the path that is yearning from within… or from your SPIRIT. It’s time to actively listen to those nudges, they are the cookie crumbs from your own inner guidance trying to show you the way. But sometimes it requires feeling very uncomfortable to then transform this energy into life changes and becoming aligned to your TRUTH.

One piece of advice that has been shared with me during these extreme times of change is “Be In Flow With The Energy”. Which means whatever is coming up for you, allow yourself to FEEL the emotions, the body, our thoughts. Do not deny or suppress them. Lean into discomfort and sit in stillness to uncover the hidden messages behind the experience. And then have compassion for yourself in whatever comes up or how you feel. This can honestly be one of the greatest gifts and healing, when we can hold the space for ourselves to be in acceptance and gratitude of our own human experience.

Upcoming events to help assist you in this process if you feel guided are listed below.

“May the New Year open up waves of transformation and shine light on new ways of BEING that you didn’t know were possible.”

With much love and blessings, thank you for tuning in.

Vicki XO.