Baba Yaga - The Wild Woman Archetype

Baba Yaga - The Wild Woman Archetype

Has the old haggard crone come to visit you?

Baba Yaga, the Goddess of Death, transformation, and a representation of “the wild woman” archetype and probably the most misunderstood goddess of them all. No need to fear her wretched glare, it is only a reflection of the deepest parts of ourselves that we pretend aren’t really there, hidden deep behind the layers of expressions with sparkly eyes and a soft smile.

The Meaning Of Dreams

The Meaning Of Dreams

Humans have long since had a fascination with dreaming that stems from ancient times and is still very much present today. There are many interpretations of what our dreams actually represent, the symbolism, the messages, and the meaning of them. What I am sharing with you is simply my theory on dreams based from different teachings along my journey, both spiritual and psychological in nature, and mostly from my own experiences.

Experiencing The Tesla IQube

Experiencing The Tesla IQube

First off, what is a Tesla IQube?

It is a device or instrument that was created based from Nikola Tesla’s principles of “Scaler Vortex”, that is used in Quantum Sound Therapy. It involves a computer software program that records your unique voice and converts it into a set of frequencies. When you listen to the “tones”, it helps release stress that is being held in your subtle energy field such as stored emotional stress, fears, sadness, and anxiety held within the conscious, unconscious, and sub-conscious levels of your being. The instrument itself is comprised of correct geometry, inert noble gases, and precious metals such as pure gold and silver.

The Moment That Changed Everything

The Moment That Changed Everything

Growth – I believe growth is inherent in all humans.  I mean technically it is a part of our biology.  We physically grow bigger from the time of being born.  Our minds develop and learn new skills and emotionally our experiences create memories and sensations in the body that change or grow from moment to moment.  And spiritually we may grow into new awareness’s of what it means to be human and have a soul or consciousness that is a part of something greater than we can fully comprehend.  But yet we are all growing on some level be it automatically or unconscious.

Parallel Realities

Parallel Realities

Her name was Lucy.

She touched my heart so deeply for a brief moment in time, that left me in shock and awe at the same time. She showed me a different version of love that I have not known in the physical life or this incarnation. She brought me to tears, and in a single moment I would have given up all of what I have known life to be, to be her Mother, even if it was only for a short period of time.

The Road Not Taken

The Road Not Taken

Have you gone off track yet… has your path changed course?

There is something magical that happens when things don’t go the way we had planned. A new road presents itself amongst the collapse and destruction of our reality. It is the road not taken. You don’t know where it leads, you don’t know what is around the corner, you don’t even know “how” to go down that road.

A Time Of Radical Transformation

A Time Of Radical Transformation

A time of radical transformation is happening….

Well it has been happening all along, the only difference is the rate that it has been happening is being experienced at a higher intensity more frequently. And depending on where each person is at on their own journey depends on the level of growth that is making its way into your consciousness.

Have you felt the shift of transformation yet?

We are seeing it everywhere in the outside world. Old systems are collapsing, a change in power is emerging and new ways of BEING are in creation. But are you beginning to feel the nudges and twisting from within? The human body is extremely intelligent and is part of the co-creation process of our awareness. Just as our mind expands, our spiritual self or our divine aspects begin to bloom and come alive, so too does our body communicate with us and expand in consciousness. This means there is a process that occurs, and it is not the same process for everyone. There is an unlayering happening… this is the TRANSFORMATION.

Stay Focused On The Horizon

Stay Focused On The Horizon

Stay focused on the horizon, or better yet, stay focused on your VISION.

If you are anything like me, you can find it difficult to stay focused on your path, or the visions you are longing to create. At times, it may feel like the more you try to focus on something, the more distractions pop up to throw you off centre.

Does this sound about right?

So then what do we do to stay on track and eliminate those distractions? I would like to tell you that there has been ONE practice that I use as my tool, but in truth there are many practices or tools that I pull from to help guide me on my path. And then there is the real tool called “LIFE”, that effortlessly has a way of shaking us up, or throwing more obstacles in our path, just so we can learn the old fashion way through EXPERIENCE….. which is the greatest tool of all for showing us what needs to be removed from our life, or shift in priorities in order for us to focus on what we really want.

But it is also true that having several practices to help guide me back to my centre core and grounding into my own energy field has been vital in my life. Whether it is through meditation, qigong or yoga, or doing my own healing through the healing modalities I practice, these have been the guiding forces to help me navigate all that life has to offer. It has helped me to gain clarity and trust my own intuition above all else, which in turn has helped me to focus on the life I am creating, the way I wish to show up for myself and others.

Sunday Meditation with VickiAnd that has made ALL the difference.

But I could not have gotten to this place by myself. I needed help, guidance and support. Not just from one person or from one particular practice, but many. So my dear, I encourage you to always seek answers, search for what feels true in your heart. Connect with others from multiple backgrounds who you feel aligned to work with. Don’t be afraid to ask for help or ask questions. We all lose focus from time to time,

and maybe that’s the point…….sometimes we have to get messy in order to see the path ahead of us so we can choose what we want to focus on.

If you are looking for tools to help with clarity and focus, I invite you to join me online every week for Sunday Meditations where we practice focusing on our breath and the body. When we begin to focus inward on ourselves first, this helps create the foundation to extend our focus to everything else.

With much love and blessings, thank you for tuning in.

Vicki xo.