Qigong (pronounced chee-gong), is a gentle form of exercise that involves using our breath, mindful movement, and our intention to help harmonize the body, mind, and spirit.
Qi = life force energy, the breath or the essence of life.
Gong = the practice, cultivating the body's vital energy and using it to heal and strengthen every system throughout the body.
Qigong is a healing practice that dates back to 4-5000 years from Ancient China and is a cornerstone in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
When our Qi is balanced, free flowing, and unobstructed, you will have health and vitality in the body. When our Qi is stagnant or becomes blocked in the body, we feel fatigue, lack of motivation or inspiration, negative thought patterns, and can create dis-ease in the body. It is based on the premise that everything is energy.
With the manipulation and transformation of our energy, we can remove blockages, go to the root cause of a problem, and create free flowing energy.
The benefits of practicing Qigong:
Increases vitality
Strengthens the mind, personal power, & immune system
Improves respiration & lung capacity
Enhances relaxation plus stress-reduction
Increase of energy & concentration
Improved posture
Balance & tonify the organs/meridians in the body
Self-awareness & overall well-being
Balanced and free flowing Qi = HEALTH
If you would like to book a 1-on-1 session or a group event, please fill out the contact form below and I will be in touch within 2 business days.